RSS - websites - rabbit hole

I follow several blogs via RSS and today I read A splash of color by Matt Birchler over at Birchtree. He points at a few websites and Pedro Duarte personal website made me go wow. Checking other websites he referred to lead me directly or inderectly to Chris Nicholas, Benji Taylor, Rauno Freiberg, Lee Robinson all looking at design and content creation from various angles.


For lack of a better title, for now, Linkdump Things I read, things that make me think, things that make an impression. Things I would like to come back to at some point How new antimatter science could soon explain the existence of everything Antimatter matters

Moving and testing

Trying out Proxmox this is or will be a long one, part documenting what I am doing and part figuring out what I am aiming for I am becoming restless again. Time to stir things up. I installed Proxmox a few times on temp hardware and inside virtual machines but for me the only way to get familiar with such a product is to actually use it.


For lack of a better title, for now, Linkdump Things I read, things that make me think, things that make an impression. Things I would like to come back to at some point Bruce Schneier on Slate: The Internet Enabled Mass Surveillance. A.


For lack of a better title, for now, Linkdump Things I read, things that make me think, things that make an impression. Things I would like to come back to at some point Schneier on Security: Ten Ways AI Will Change Democracy As it says on the tin.